Re: [meetings] Agenda Request - Methods for measuring privacy risk (#129)

@jwrosewell I'm not really sure that is a good methodology for contribution, traditional practice is that the titles (since their character count is more restricted) are more simple then the post itself. I'd recommend reviewing the content of issues after the title before responding in the future or you may misalign your contributions. 

I don't believe dealing with privacy risk means that the only valid solutions are in engineering. But those are the solutions we're discussing here. Like I said, if you want to talk law with lawyers there are potentially other venues but you will neither find the right people nor the right context for that discussion here. 

> We have discussed making the input data required to implement the approaches advanced by this group available to all web participants. To do anything else is to "restrict competition" by restricting input data only to web browser vendors. That is a breach of the [W3C Antitrust Guidelines]( and is not a choice you or the members of this group are free to make.

As has been previously stated, this is not the right venue to discuss your particular interpretation of antitrust and W3C policy. While there is an open thread on the question of "input data" that is the appropriate place for such discussion. This is not the appropriate thread for that discussion. 

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