Re: [meetings] Agenda Request - Methods for measuring privacy risk (#129)

@jwrosewell - as has been previously stated this is a technical group, this proposal--as far as I can see--is to form a technical group. Not only does the EU General Court decision have zero relevancy to this process or this proposal (it is dealing with legal definitions of pseudonymisation and anonymization and notably does not specify technical methodologies to accomplish either process) it is also focused on an unrelated topic. Pseudonymisation is notably not mentioned here and the EU Court (as far as I can tell in a brief read, not being an EU legal expert, leaning only on my own experience) focus on it as a way to do share data that can be re-identified by a particular party. This proposal is specifically about assuring that anonymization does not fail to prevent identification by any party. Pseudonymisation is not even a topic at hand here.

To be clear, even if none of that were true, your comment would be irrelevant. We are not a court and we do not operate on behalf of a single country. This group has international membership. Questions of higher authority are irrelevant in the way you are asking. I assume EU judges mostly are not math and cryptology experts and similarly we are not legal experts. We do not operate in the same realm. Specification work must acknowledge that there are multiple countries that use the web platform and these countries' laws do not always match in legal regulation and that therefore the work we do is technical in nature and not legal. 

As I've stated before, if you want to argue about law with lawyers I believe you are attempting to establish a venue for that within the W3C. This is not that venue. If an EU court decides to come here and declare that the work of examining anonymization methods via a sub-group is somehow illegal we'd deal with that at that time, but seeing as they have not; and you are not--unless something has changed in your status recently?--a member of the EU Court or a representative of an EU judicial body I'm unclear on what grounds you have possibly reasoned that you are here to enforce your particular interpretation of EU law on this process.

Thanks for your feedback, as always, I enjoy reading the many things you have linked in this process. 

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