Re: [patwg-charter] Charter should include baseline privacy boundaries (#61)


I +1'ed this issue when doing the horizontal review of the charter (see Given the history of the privacy concerns around Web advertising, I strongly urge the group to find someway of saying more positively what privacy boundaries the group aims to work within.

Currently the text states two things the group won't do (no cross-site or cross context recognition, no same-site re-identification across storage clears). Thats great, but there are an enormous number of dimensions in privacy work, and so I think the charter needs to be more specific about privacy, consent and information flow limits the group plans to work within.

I appreciate that coming up with a full and unambiguous definition of what privacy means is difficult and beyond whats generally necessary for a charter. I'm not requesting anything like that. But I think at least *some* more specificity is necessary about what the WG considers in-and-out of scope privacy-wise

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