P3P WG meeting March 6-7, Boston

The P3P Coordination group is in the process of drafting a new privacy
activity proposal and working group charters based on the workshop. We
expect to circulate a draft some time next week, incorporate feedback, and
present a proposal to the W3C membership by the end of the month. If the new
charters are approved we expect to hold a face-to-face meeting of the new
P3P Specification Working Group March 6-7 at the W3C Plenary meeting in
Boston. If you plan to participate in the working group, please save this
date and plan to attend.

Lorrie Faith Cranor - http://lorrie.cranor.org/
P3P Specification Working Group Chair - http://www.w3.org/p3p/
New book: Web Privacy with P3P - http://p3pbook.com/

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 13:28:27 UTC