P3P Workshop report now available

Dear colleagues,

I'm happy to announce that the summary report on the Future of P3P Workshop
is now available at:


On behalf of Lorrie & myself, thanks to all of you for your thoughtful
participation and for preparing the action plans for future work. Those
plans are now all linked from the end of the workshop report. The P3P
Coordination Group will be looking in detail those and propose to this
mailing list draft charter(s) for future P3P work. Any new work will
ultimately have to be review by the W3C Advisory Committee, but I believe
that we should use this mailing list of workshop participants to develop the
proposals together.

The workshop report is publicly accessible so feel free to pass along the
URL to others who may be interested.

Best for a Happy New Year,

Danny Weitzner

Daniel J. Weitzner                              +1.617.253.8036 (MIT)
World Wide Web Consortium                       +1.202.364.4750 (DC)
Technology & Society Domain Leader              <djweitzner@w3.org>

Received on Monday, 6 January 2003 20:56:33 UTC