RE: draft proposed translation

I have attached my comments to the table lorrie posted.

Lorrie: can you update these into the posted html page.

Jeremy Epling
Microsoft - Windows PM

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lorrie Cranor
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:19 PM
Subject: UA: draft proposed translation

I have posted a file at
that contains a table with all of the elements in the p3p spec that I 
think we need to consider translations for (in the order they appear in 
the spec), the definitions from the spec, the text used in IE6, and my 
proposed translation. When Jeremy gives me his revisions I will be 
happy to replace the IE6 column with his new text. Likewise, I will be 
happy to add a column for anyone else who wants to take a stab at this 
(if you would like a copy of my excel file to work with, send me 
email). This is my personal proposal based on my research and the 
feedback I've gotten on the Privacy Bird translations. It has not been 
reviewed by a lawyer or anyone else.

We will discuss this on the UA TF call next Tuesday. It would be useful 
if everyone reviews this prior to the call and notes specific things 
they don't like.


Received on Sunday, 1 June 2003 21:41:36 UTC