Re: some minor issues in the 2nd edition documents

Hi Boris!

I'm happy with your explanation! And also, I have to say, a really a 
good catch! It seems that we are lucky that the non-determinism in your 
example still leads to two semantically equivalent results. Just let's 
hope that this is the case for all other possible examples as well.


Am 27.09.2012 12:44, schrieb Boris Motik:
> Hello,
> I'm sorry that my answer was incomplete (and it took me some time to remember what the exact reason was).
> In the example you mention, condition CE(_:x) = ε is not needed because there is a general requirement saying that, if at any point in time CE(_:x) (or OPE or any other such function) gets redefined, then parsing fails. This is OK in the case of, say, owl:complementOf, since in any OWL 2 DL ontology owl:complementOf will occur only in tree-shaped substructures (i.e., you shouldn't have _:x be defined using owl:complementOf as well as, say, owl:intersectionOf).
> As I've already mentioned, the same holds for OPE: if it gets redefined, parsing fails. However, owl:inverseOf does not occur only in such well-behaved patterns. Consider the following OWL 2 DL ontology:
> (1)  InverseObjectProperties( ObjectInverseOf( A )  ObjectInverseOf( B ) )
> When serialised to RDF, you get the following triples:
> (2)  _:x owl:inverseOf A
> (3)  _:x owl:inverseOf _:y
> (4)  _:y owl:inverseOf B
> Note that _:x now occurs as subject in two triples, (2) and (3). Because of that, when you apply the pattern in Table 11, if the pattern didn't have OPE(_:x) = ε, you'll get a redefinition of OPE(_:x) and parsing would fail. Condition OPE(_:x) = ε prevents that: after the first application o the pattern, the pattern is not applicable any more. Thus, your parser will define OPE(_:x) as either ObjectInverseOf( A ) or ObjectInverseOf( ObjectInverseOf( B ) ), depending on which pattern is processed first. Consequently, the result of your parsing process will be either
> (5)  InverseObjectProperties( ObjectInverseOf( A )  ObjectInverseOf( B ) )
> or
> (6)  InverseObjectProperties( A  ObjectInverseOf( ObjectInverseOf( B ) )
> The result of parsing is thus nondeterminstic, but all the possible results are logically equivalent. I hope this helps in answering your question.
> Regards,
> Boris
> On 27 Sep 2012, at 00:23, Michael Schneider <> wrote:
>> Hi Boris!
>> Am 27.09.2012 00:51, schrieb Boris Motik:
>>>> 01) RDF Mapping: Table 11 on parsing object property expressions has now an extended condition: "OPE(_:x) = \epsilon". While I don't see an immediate problem with this condition, I don't understand why it has been introduced. In comparison, for class expressions, AFAICT, there are never any conditions on the root blank nodes. I believe it is stated elsewhere, that blank nodes for expressions must not be reused, so this condition seems redundant to me. But there may well be a reason for it.
>>> If OPE(_:x) is not equal to \epsilon, then matching this pattern would redefine OPE(_:x) and we certainly don't want that.
>> But then, why isn't there a similar condition for the mappings of /class/ expressions? For example, the mapping rule for class complement expressions in Table 13 states
>>     If G contains this pattern...
>>         _:x rdf:type owl:Class .
>>         _:x owl:complementOf y .
>> (*)    { CE(y) ≠ ε }
>>     ...then CE(_:x) is set to this class expression.
>>         ObjectComplementOf( CE(y) )
>> Why isn't the condition at (*) not replaced by
>> (**)   { CE(_:x) = ε and CE(y) ≠ ε }
>> ? Looks to me like being basically the same problem, or do I miss something?
>> Cheers,
>> Michael

Received on Friday, 28 September 2012 20:16:09 UTC