Re: draft responses for four JC LC comments


On 13 mei 2009, at 08:27, Christine Golbreich wrote:

> 2) I'd suggest not to spot particular sections in NF&R; "less is more"
> here also because:
> - JC4 "improved versioning support in OWL2" is not precise
> - several sections might be relevant, in particular both sections 2
> and section 4

My review of NF&R [1] also lists a number of missing features:

On 6 mei 2009, at 12:22, Rinke Hoekstra wrote:
> * There are some features of OWL 2 (or changes wrt. OWL 1) that are  
> not listed in the current version. I identified the following:
> - imports & versioning (import by location etc.)
> - URI -> IRI
> - rdf:text
> - Manchester Syntax (is mentioned, but only as example in sections  
> 4.1 and 4.2)
> - Built-in datatypes (section 4 of Syntax)
> - ... more?

(wrt. datatypes, these are mentioned in Section 2.3.1 of NF&R, but it  
does not list all of them)

Versioning and imports are described in Section 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4 of  
Syntax, but do not appear in NF&R.



Drs Rinke Hoekstra

Leibniz Center for Law      |  AI Department
Faculty of Law              |  Faculty of Sciences
Universiteit van Amsterdam  |  Vrije Universiteit
Kloveniersburgwal 48        |  De Boelelaan 1081a
1012 CX  Amsterdam          |  1081 HV Amsterdam
+31-(0)20-5253499           |  +31-(0)20-5987752             |


Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 11:13:23 UTC