CURIEs (was Re: Several minor problems in the grammar for the functional-style syntax)

We need a coordinated course of action wrt CURIEs.

At the moment, it seems we have the following issues:

1) How to change CURIEs in FS and MS to solve current problems
	I think restricting the characters in CURIEs is the way to go.

2) Whether and how to add CURIEs to OWL/XML.
	I think we should with special syntax and forbidding xmlns.

3) Whether to send a comment to the CURIE folks (which ought kick them  
out of CR).
	I think we should saying:
		a) The spec must specifically allow for restricted sets of  
characters in CURIEs and perhaps define some "natural" subsets, e.g.,  
NCnames, SPARQL, etc.
		b) The spec must allow XML host formats to forbid xmlns style CURIE  
prefix decs while having an alternative one.
		c) There should be a standard alternative declaration mechanism in  
XML, e.g.,:
	<xml:curieAbbr prefix=".." expansion="..."/>

The main downside is putting a heavy dependency on the CURIE spec  
which doesn't seem to be progressing rapidly.

I think we can:
	Define things as we think is best. We can conditionally add a ref to  
the CURIE spec, but if the CURIE spec fails to adjust, I think we  
should strike the refs, not the functionality.


Received on Monday, 23 March 2009 07:24:31 UTC