Re: The issue of syntax productions within the NF&R document

On 6 Mar 2009, at 19:43, Ian Horrocks wrote:

> I agree. The grammar productions could be off-putting to many people  
> and significantly reduce its utility for them. I don't see a  
> compensating increase in utility for others.
> IMHO it would make *much* more sense to replicate the presentation  
> style of the Quick Reference Guide (as suggested by Uli). E.g., for  
> disjoint union, instead of:
> DisjointUnion := 'DisjointUnion' '(' { Annotation } Class  
> ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } ')'
> you could have:
> DisjointUnionOf(C C1 … Cn), where C and Ci are OWL classes

That seems reasonable to me.

> This is much easier to understand and much less "threatening". And  
> if this is right for the QR, then surely it is also right for NF&R.

Indeed. It solves a lot of problems and is a good idea in its own right.


Received on Friday, 6 March 2009 19:50:41 UTC