Re: draft response for LC comment 51 RM1 and 62 JM1


Peter has proposed a response to the questions about the absence of 
named data ranges
as follows:

 > Naming data ranges is not possible in the functional syntax.  Named data
 > ranges can cause problems in the direct semantics if there are loops in
 > the definitions.  Because of this kind of problem the WG did not do much
 > exploration of adding named data ranges to the functional syntax.
 > In OWL 2 Full, it is of course possible to "name" a node that
 > corresponds to a data range, so in the above triples, the blank node
 > with label _:x could be replaced with a regular node with IRI
 > ex:GreaterThan65.  This IRI could be used just as any other
 > datatype/class IRI in OWL 2 Full.

However, named user defined datatypes are a critical capability for OWL 
DL that I
had expected to see in OWL 2.  I think we should support them, if we 
can.   We rather
rushed past this discussion at the face-to-face on Monday 
afternoon/evening as
people were understandably tired of datatype discussions at that point.  
Let's please
discuss this a bit before rejecting such a basic feature.


Evan K. Wallace
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2009 19:37:52 UTC