SSFS clarification: Datatype definitions and typed literals

I believe SSFS should be clarified w.r.t. whether datatypes defined in
DatatypeDefinition axioms can be used with literals.

E.g., given

DatatypeDefinition( :gt18 DatatypeRestriction( xsd:integer
xsd:minExclusive "18"^^xsd:integer ) )

Is "19"^^:gt18 a valid literal?

Section 9.4 says "A datatype definition DatatypeDefinition( DT DR )
defines a new datatype DT as being semantically equivalent to the data
range DR; the latter MUST be a unary data range. This axiom allows one
to use the defined datatype DT as a synonym for DR — that is, in any
expression in the ontology containing such an axiom, DT can be
replaced with DR without affecting the meaning of the ontology. "

And Section 5.7 says "Each literal consists of a lexical form, which
is a string, and a datatype from the datatype map."

Since section 9.4 says nothing about the new datatype being added to
the datatype map, I assume that the final condition does not hold for
the literal, and it is therefore invalid.  Further, substituting a
datarange into a typed literal doesn't make sense.  If this
interpretation is correct, I suggest adding a sentence to the second
paragraph Section 9.4 that explicitly states this, e.g.,

"The datatypes defined by datatype definition axioms are not added to
the datatype map and MUST NOT be used in literals."

Mike Smith

Clark & Parsia

Received on Friday, 12 June 2009 17:46:02 UTC