Agenda TC 10/06/2009


This is a preliminary version of this week's teleconference:

   1.  Admin
          * Roll call
          * Agenda amendments?
          * PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (3 June)
          * Action items status
                o Pending Review Actions
                      + Action 339 Align RDF Mapping with the
PlainLiteral spec / Peter Patel-Schneider
                      + Action 340 Align structural spec with the
PlainLiteral spec / Boris Motik
                o Due and overdue Actions
   2. Advancing documents to Last Call and Candidate Recommendation
          * Status report/discussion on rdf:PlainLiteral (FKA rdf:text)
          * Status report on publication drafts
          * Status report on CR transition
          * Status report on LC transition
   3. Issues/comments
          * Benjamin Grosof's editorial comment on RL profile
          * Michael Schneider's question on "forest-like anonymous
individuals" restriction
          * Alan Ruttenberg's comment on abbreviations of string literals
          * Other issues?
   4. Implementation and Testing
          * Implementations: existing, in progress, planned, and solicited
                o Reasoners
                o Species validation
                o Other
          * Test suite and Test results
   5. Features "At-Risk" (just a reminder)
          * owl:rational support
          * rdf:XMLLiteral support
   6. Additional other business



Received on Tuesday, 9 June 2009 12:59:03 UTC