Re: Proposal for multiple syntaxes everywhere

+1 - I must admit I was originally worried about all the syntax  
variants until I saw a document with all of them in it - made it clear  
these were very interoperable and was amazingly useful for cut/paste  
-- we should also do a Web site somewhere in W3C space that links to  
or does all the appropriate conversions - I know Bijan has already  
mentioned the XML one, but all in one place would be a good way to  
show these really are just different presentations, and that's another  
way to help reduce some of the confusion (also, has anyone done an OWL  
to OWL2 "updater" - I know some parts of that would be hard, but a lot  
of the datatyping and such could be done easily, I'd think)

On Jan 30, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Bijan Parsia wrote:

> Hi ho,
> I think we could usefully answer a fair bit of criticism if we made  
> all the examples have multiple syntax display.
> I personally, am still waiting for Matthew to update the Syntax  
> converter to the latest changes to the various syntaxes, but I guess  
> that will be pretty soon. We can automate it enough to make it  
> pretty painless.
> Cheers,
> Bijan.

"If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would  
it?." - Albert Einstein

Prof James Hendler
Tetherless World Constellation Chair
Computer Science Dept
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180

Received on Friday, 30 January 2009 20:48:40 UTC