Re: A slight issue with datatypes in OWL 2 RL


I agree with Ivan on this. Actually, in Oracle's comments to the LC, 
there is one item asking to remove owl:Rational.
Easier implementation (or ideally easy implementation :)) is important 
to implementers.



Ivan Herman wrote:
> Each new datatype has to be implemented somehow (interpretation of the
> lexical space rules, relationships to other, etc, etc). The
> implementation of any of those can be non-trivial. So we are just adding
> new and new non-trivial things.
> Ivan
> Boris Motik wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I agree that the implementation of datatypes is nontrivial in OWL 2 RL. This, however, is already the case for the existing
>> datatypes. I really cannot see how the datatypes that we left out would make the implementation any harder.
>> Regards,
>>  Boris
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Ivan Herman []
>>> Sent: 23 January 2009 08:51
>>> To: Boris Motik
>>> Cc: 'W3C OWL Working Group'
>>> Subject: Re: A slight issue with datatypes in OWL 2 RL
>>> Boris,
>>> before we do this... let me just raise this issue: just because we _can_
>>> does not meant that we necessarily _should_.
>>> In my view, one of the goals of RL is a possibility for an easy
>>> implementation, too. With my limited implementation experience the
>>> datatype handling of RL is by far the most complex part of an
>>> implementation. Sure, if one goes for a very efficient implementation
>>> then taking care of things like owl:sameAs becomes also more complex,
>>> but that is not 100% necessary for a compliant thing. Datatype handling
>>> is. (I actually did not even have the time to implement it, I just rely
>>> on the underlying RDF/Python environment and do whatever it can do. I
>>> can see many implementations doing just that.) Oracle has already
>>> indicated that they are not really in favour of an owl:rational
>>> inclusion in OWL RL, and I think their reaction reflects the same concerns.
>>> Based on this I actually do _not_ believe that this is just an editorial
>>>  comment but would definitely warrant a new LC round because it would
>>> significantly add to the complexity of implementations. My personal
>>> interpretation (maybe wrong!) of that comment in the document is that
>>> some datatypes (like rational) may actually be dropped from the list and
>>> not add all other datatypes blindly...
>>> My 2 cents...:-)
>>> Ivan
>>> Boris Motik wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Here is a Last Call comment about datatypes in OWL 2 RL. This issue was pointed out by Jos de
>>> Bruijn during the RIF integration
>>>> meeting, and I remembered it today after a private discussion about datatypes with Zhe. Thanks to
>>> both of them!
>>>> Currently, OWL 2 RL disallows certain datatypes on the grounds that reasoning with them would not
>>> be polynomial. Now we could
>>>> actually relax this restriction and allow all OWL 2 datatypes to occur in OWL 2 RL ontologies.
>>>> This is actually an oversight of mine, caused by the following technical issue. OWL 2 EL and OWL 2
>>> QL have existential quantifiers;
>>>> hence, you can state existence of concrete objects whose values is not known precisely. But then,
>>> if you allow combinations of
>>>> datatypes such that the intersection of possibly negated datatypes is finite, you really do get
>>> into problems: your reasoning
>>>> suddenly becomes NP-hard because you need to start guessing the appropriate value of existentially
>>> implied object. To prevent this
>>>> from occurring, I selected the set of allowed datatypes in OWL 2 EL such that each intersection of
>>> possibly negated datatypes is
>>>> either empty or infinite; then, I merely copied this set to all the profiles.
>>>> As Jos rightly pointed out at the RIF integration meeting, however, OWL 2 RL *does not* have
>>> existential quantifiers; consequently,
>>>> the value of each concrete object is fully known. But then, there is no need to actually restrict
>>> the set of datatypes: to support a
>>>> datatype, you just need a procedure that recognizes whether some literal is in the range of a
>>> particular datatype (which is easy to
>>>> do for all of OWL 2 datatypes).
>>>> The fix to this comment would be to revise the datatypes section for OWL 2 RL and allow all OWL 2
>>> datatypes to occur in OWL 2 RL
>>>> ontologies. Since we already have a note saying that the set of supported datatypes might change, I
>>> believe that this change would
>>>> not warrant another Last Call round.
>>>> I'm really sorry about this oversight!
>>>> Regards,
>>>>  Boris
>>> --
>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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>>> mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 17:14:33 UTC