Agenda TC 21/01/2009


This is a preliminary version of this week's TC:

    *  Admin
          o Roll call
          o Agenda amendments?
          o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (14 January)
          o Action items status
                + Pending Review Actions
                      # Action 263 Send an email to clarify how to
make and deal with WG comments on LC documents / Ian Horrocks
                + Due and overdue Actions
                      # Action 247 Make a detailed proposal for edits
to ManchesterSyntax to address issue-146 / Alan Ruttenberg
                      # Action 264 Talk to Tim Redmond about his lc
comment / Alan Ruttenberg
          o Soliciting reviews of and/or comments on LC documents
          o F2F5 (23-24 February, 2009)
                + Please add attendance status to People page
    * Last Call Comments (see public-owl-comments and Responses to
Last Call Comments)
          o Dealing with "internal" (LC) comments
          o Review current comments
          o rdf:text status from Jie
          o Do we need extend LC period a bit?
    * Test Cases
          o Problems with approved test cases?
          o PROPOSED: Approve some/all of the test cases currently in
the test queue
          o "eye ball tests" wait and see if we can get some tool
support soon for 'species validation'
          o How to organize related tests - e.g. same input but
different results for DL versus Full/RL (e.g. punning/sameas)
    * Plans for non-LC documents
    * Coordination with RIF
          o Organization
          o LC comments on rdf:text
          o Datatypes - Sandro update
    * Features "At-Risk" (just a reminder)
          o owl:rational support
          o xsd:decimal precision
          o owl:dateTime name
          o rdf:XMLLiteral support
          o OWL 2 RL Datatypes
    * Additional other business
    * RDF Semantics



Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2009 17:05:46 UTC