Re: Agenda for teleconference 2009.01.07

Due to inclement weather here, a meeting scheduled this morning that I 
must attend has been postponed at 1 pm ET.  I will not be able to attend 
this afternoon meeting and serve as the scribe. I apology for the late 
notice. I will happily scribe next week.

Best regards,

Ian Horrocks <> 
Sent by:
01/06/2009 01:39 PM

OWL Working Group WG <>

Agenda for teleconference 2009.01.07


Call in details

When joining please don't identify yourself verbally; instead, 
Identify Yourself to ZAKIM on IRC

     * Date of Call: Wednesday January 7, 2009
     * Time of Call: 1800 UTC, 10:00 (West US), 13:00 (East US), 
18:00 (London), 19:00 (Paris)
     * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
     * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
     * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
     * Participant Access Code: 69594# (OWLWG)
     * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #owl 
     * Web-based IRC (member-only): 
(Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
     * Duration: 90 minutes
     * Chair: Alan Ruttenberg
     * Scribe: Achille Fokoue (Scribe List)
     * Link to Agenda: 


     * Admin
           o Roll call
           o Agenda amendments?
           o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (17 December)
           o Action items status
                 + Pending Review Actions
                       # Action 250 Send mime-type registrations in 
to IETF when we do last-call publications / Sandro Hawke
                 + Due and overdue Actions
                       # Action 252 Checking progress of XML Schema 
1.1 and datetime datatype / Peter Patel-Schneider
                       # Action 255 Write wiki page on mailing-list 
behavior guidelines during last call / Sandro Hawke
                       # Action 260 Make sure chairs know about 
document review/suggestion points at 
irc#T18-36-24 / Sandro Hawke
           o Soliciting reviews of and/or comments on LC documents
           o F2F5 (23-24 February, 2009)
                 + Please add attendance status to People page
     * Last Call Comments (see public-owl-comments and Responses to 
Last Call Comments)
           o Comment from Alan Rector
           o Comment from Cecil Lynch
           o Non-LC (yet) Comment from Jim Hendler
           o rdf:text comments?
     * Test Cases
           o Problems with approved test cases? (when we have 
approved some)
           o PROPOSED: Approve all OWL 1 test cases currently in the 
test queue
     * Plans for non-LC documents
           o PROPOSED: ManchesterSyntax will / will not be rec track
     * Coordination with RIF
           o Future plans
     * Features "At-Risk" (just a reminder)
           o owl:rational support
           o xsd:decimal precision
           o owl:dateTime name
           o rdf:XMLLiteral support
           o OWL 2 RL Datatypes
     * Additional other business

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 17:42:53 UTC