Questions about annotation property in OWL 2

Hi, everyone,

I wonder if there is an example for annotation of annotation. For
example, if I have a person A that has a full name "Tom Smith" and a
first name "Tom". He is also known has "Thomas Smith" with a first name
"Thomas". So The class A has two annotation properties <fullName>Tom
Smith</fullName> and <fullName>Thomas Smith</fullName>. It also has two
annotation properties for first names: <firstName>Tom<\firstName> and
<firstName>Thomas<\firstName>. So how do we also annotate
<firstName>Thomas<\firstName> is related to <fullName>Thomas
Smith</fullName> and <firstName>Tom<\firstName> is related to
<fullName>Tom Smith</fullName>? Should we introduce a IRI for each
annotation property? 



Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 19:03:58 UTC