Manchester Syntax and labels

For discussion of the issue of using labels in Manchester syntax, here
is an example from the OBI ontology, as rendered in protege 4, and is
typical of what you can expect in OBO ontologies. The OBO ontologies
are the largest collection of Biomedical ontologies there is.

With labels

achieves_planned_objective some 'assay objective'
has_specified_input some (material_entity
                          and has_role some 'evaluant role')
has_specified_output_information some ('information content entity'
                                       and 'is about' some (continuant
has_role some 'evaluant role'))
realizes some 'evaluant role'
has_specified_output only Nothing

Without labels

OBI_0000417 some OBI_0000441
OBI_0000293 some (MaterialEntity
                  and OBI_0000316 some OBI_0000067)
OBI_0000301 some (IAO_0000030
                  and IAO_0000136 some (Continuant
                                         and OBI_0000316 some OBI_0000067))
OBI_0000308 some OBI_0000067
OBI_0000299 only Nothing


Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2009 17:17:29 UTC