ISSUE-149 (OWL 2 RL errors): Some problems with OWL 2 RL

ISSUE-149 (OWL 2 RL errors): Some problems with OWL 2 RL

Raised by: Boris Motik
On product: 

OWL 2 RL currently exhibits some problems.

On the DL side, the Profile currently disallows the usage of SomeValuesFrom( R owl:Thing) on the left-hand side of the axioms. This is regrettable and should be fixed: just think of axioms of the form

SubClassOf( SomeValuesFrom( a:hasChild owl:Thing ) a:Parent )

On the RDF side, the set of OWL 2 RL/RDF rules currently does not contain an axiomatization of the built-in entities, such as owl:Thing, owl:Nothing, and top/bottom properties.

Received on Sunday, 19 October 2008 15:52:44 UTC