Agenda TC 19/11/2008


This is a preliminary version of this week's TC agenda:

    *  Admin
          o Roll call
          o Agenda amendments?
          o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (12 November)
          o PROPOSED: Accept F2F Minutes Day 2
          o Action items status
                + Pending Review Actions
                      # Action 238 Implement the resolutions from the
4F2F / Boris Motik
                      # Action 242 Will make a proposal regarding
naming alignment between the functional syntax and RDF syntax based on
the summary from /
Alan Ruttenberg
                      # Action 244 Come up with an analysis of whether
OWL 2 should include XMLLiteral / Boris Motik
                      # Action 246 Convert review comments to editors
notes (except rinke's) / Peter Patel-Schneider
                + Due and overdue Actions
    * Reviewing and Publishing
          o Preparations for Last Call
                + Progress report on document changes (see Last Call Check List)
                + Other considerations
                      # Issue 145 Mime types (see Peter's email and thread)
                            * TBD: who will contact IETF for
registering the mime types?
                      # Check with XML Schema WG on name of dateTime
datatype and when they will be putting out a new document
                            * Pointing to XML 1.1?
                + Freezing features/documents for Last Call
    * Issues+ These may not be discussed in the order presented
          o Proposals to Resolve Issues (and other matters)
                + Issue 87 Add a datatype to represent rational
numbers (see discussion and straw poll)
                + Proposal to remove xsd:ENTITY, xsd:ID, and xsd:IDREF
datatypes (see Boris's email and thread)
                + Proposal to simplify structure of annotations as per
Boris's email
          o Other Discussions
                + XML-Literal datatype (see Boris's email and thread)
                + Deprication (see Alan's email)
                + Alignment of functional and RDF syntax URIs (see proposal)
                + Issue 146 Specify use of labels in addition
to/instead of entity URIs in serialization (Manchester Syntax)
                + Issue 97 Add GRDDL to OWL/XML Syntax
                + Issue 56 Specify standard "repairs" for moving
select RDF documents to OWL
    * Additional other business



Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2008 18:25:02 UTC