Re: some syntax errors in the RDF/XML example

From: Ivan Herman <>
Subject: some syntax errors in the RDF/XML example
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:20:55 +0100

> Bijan, Peter
> there are some syntax errors that the RDF validator found on the
> RDF/XML example. I am not sure how to change that with the mechanism,
> so I leave it to you:-)

> - in <owl:Ontology, there is a missing '>' at the end of the line

Fixed, in Primer and PrimerExampleRDFXML

> - <owl:minCardinalityQ rdf:datatype="&amp;xsd;nonNegativeInteger">1</owl:minCardinality>

I can't find this one.  

> Ivan


Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 20:59:51 UTC