Re: Proposal to resolve ISSUE-81

From: Alan Ruttenberg <>
Subject: Proposal to resolve ISSUE-81
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:47:53 -0400

> To resolve this issue I propose that NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion be
> transformed into the equivalent class assertion. In order to support
> tools that wish to preserve the presentation of this axiom as
> NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion we use the axiom annotation mechanism
> with a new annotation property: syntaxHint.  syntaxHint would be
> considered optional - not all tools need serialize using it, nor all
> tool pay attention to it.
> So
> NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion(hasMother John Mary)
> Is translated in to
> ClassAssertion(
>    Annotation(syntaxHint NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion)
>    John ObjectAllValuesFrom(hasMother
> ObjectComplementOf(ObjectOneOf(Mary))))
> -Alan
> meta: ISSUE-103

So let's see what happens when we transform these into RDF, using the
RDF mapping.

	NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion(hasMother John Mary)

is transformed into

	_:X rdf:type owl11:NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion
	_:x rdf:subject John
	_:x rdf:predicate hasMother
	_:x rdf:object Mary

On the other hand

	    Annotation(syntaxHint NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion)
 	    John ObjectAllValuesFrom(hasMother

is transformed into 

	_:x rdf:type owl11:Axiom
	_:X syntaxHint NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion
	_:x rdf:subject John
	_:x rdf:predicate rdf:type
	_:x object .... (the translation of the restrictions)

Aside from any other problems with this proposal, I don't think that it
resolves the concern expressed in the statement of ISSUE-81.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Sunday, 23 March 2008 20:53:52 UTC