RE: Question about annotation of and to axioms


No, we can't have axioms as targets of annotations. This is highly related to ISSUE-16, and is one of the undesirable features of
OWL 1.1 that we might want to change. (Just as a reminder, ISSUE-16 actually complains about the fact that, in OWL 1.1, annotations
on axioms are parts of axioms themselves.)

We might fix ISSUE-16 and address your concern by making annotations on axioms external to the axiom. Here is what the change would
look like:

- We delete the annotation from all axioms.

- We add a new type of axiom, called AxiomAnnotation. The grammar would be like this:

axiomAnnotation := 'AxiomAnnotation' '(' annotation { annotation } axiom ')'

The changes to the diagrams, the RDF serialization, and the XML syntax should be straightforward. I believe that such a solution
would actually be much nicer from an architectural point of view. Thus, I would support this change. If everyone's OK with this, I
could change the spec in no time.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Alan Ruttenberg
> Sent: 13 March 2008 17:34
> To: Web Ontology Language ((OWL)) Working Group WG
> Subject: Question about annotation of and to axioms
> We can attach annotations to axioms in the current proposal. Can we
> also have Axioms as the target of annotation? The question arises in
> the context of a proposed epistemic relations for the (OBO) relation
> ontology - evidential relationships that say, for instance, some
> document supports some axom. The inverse of the relation might be
> used if axioms can't be the objects of annotations, in this case, but
> I'm still curious as to the answer.
> -Alan

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 17:45:46 UTC