General discussion for Wednesday's teleconference

Hi All,

This wednesday we'd like to discuss what needs to be done towards  
making progress on the fragment work we need to do. Our goal will be  
to specify the work needs to be done and how we want to organize that  
work. Suggestions have been made that we might organize one or more  
task forces, or we could assign action items. We need to decide which  
approach, specify the tasks, and ideally get volunteers to start  
doing it.

To be clear, I think the work we need to do in the immediate future  
is technical: As Ian lays out: we "should define the syntax of the  
"scalable schema" (EL++ like) and "scalable data" (DL-Lite like)  
fragments, and the syntax and semantics of the "rules" fragment (DLP/ 
OWL-Prime like)."

We also have the issue of trying to organize our presentation of the  
fragments in a way that is understandable to the community, as Jim  
has been emphasizing. However, the technical work is a prerequisite  
to being able to do this effectively. To this end, I'd like people to  
think about the set of questions we need answered as outcome of the  
technical work. For example, there is a question of how to assess  
scalability of Abox reasoning and to compare DL-Lite to the "rules"  
fragment, to justify that they indeed occupy separate and useful  
places, or to discover that they are similar enough that having both  
fragments is not justified. Please bring to the meeting  other  
questions we want answered by this phase of work, so that the current  
work can prepare us, in a future discussion, to formulate a clear  
justification to the wider community of the choices we ultimately  
make for our set of fragments.


Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2008 04:10:28 UTC