ISSUE-8 (dataproperty chains): REPORTED: add chains ending with data properties

ISSUE-8 (dataproperty chains): REPORTED: add chains ending with data properties

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: 


Short summary: The current OWL-1.1 draft only deals with sub property
chains where each property is an /object/ property. There is no support for
property chains containing /data/ properties (at the end of the chain and
as a super property). The posting above gives examples where such a feature
might be useful.

I posted this question a few weeks ago, but did not receive an answer.
Perhaps, this is a hard or non researched topic, and is therefore not
likely to go into OWL-1.1 in the end, but it is at least some interesting
feature to be discussed for future versions of OWL. By putting it here in
the issues list it won't get lost. 

Michael [Schneider]

Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2007 20:26:09 UTC