Re: postponed issues (was Re: Agenda for teleconference Wednesday October 24, 2007)

We discussed this in the first teleconf [1] and agreed that, rather  
than migrating these (probably mostly irrelevant) issues, WG members  
who want to champion an issue from the WebOnt list should simply  
raise an appropriate new issue.



On 23 Oct 2007, at 16:02, Jim Hendler wrote:

> Ian - since I cannot be on the phone:  for the agendum
> Issues list
>     * Tracker status
>     * Migration of OWL 1.1 issues list to tracker
>     * Proposing new issues
> I'd note that the charter specifies the list of postponed issues  
> from the Web Ont WG (OWL 1.0 group) as inputs to this group.  Can  
> we simply have these migrate to the issues list?  I'd note that  
> many of them are either dealt with in OWL 1.1 or beyond the scope  
> of the group, so we could probably dispatch most of them very quickly.
>    thanks
>    JH
> On Oct 23, 2007, at 10:52 AM, Ian Horrocks wrote:
>> Master copy is at 
>> 2007.10.24/Agenda
>> Currently version is below.
>> Regards,
>> Ian
>> Call in details
>>     * Date of Call: Wednesday October 24, 2007
>>     * Time of Call: 1700 UTC, 10:00AM (West US), 1:00PM (East US),  
>> 1800 (London), 1900 (Paris)
>>     * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
>>     * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
>>     * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
>>     * Participant Access Code: 69594# (OWLWG)
>>     * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #owl  
>> ([])
>>     * Web-based IRC (member-only): 
>> irc (Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
>>     * Duration: 90 minutes
>>     * Chair: Alan Ruttenberg, Ian Horrocks
>>     * Scribe: (Scribe List)
>>     * Link to Agenda: 
>> Teleconference.2007.10.24/Agenda
>> Agenda
>>     * ADMIN (10 min)
>>           o Roll call
>>           o Agenda amendments
>>           o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes
>>           o Action items status
>>                 + Action 01: Still in progress.
>>           o PROPOSED: Edits to the Front Page should be vetted by  
>> WG chairs
>>     * Publications (30 min)
>>           o PROPOSED: 
>> owl-wg/2007Oct/0170.html
>>           o PROPOSED: Documents to be edited using wiki markup  
>> facilities (templates, tex math, etc). Revisit if there are problems.
>>           o Issues list
>>                 + Tracker status
>>                 + Migration of OWL 1.1 issues list to tracker
>>                 + Proposing new issues
>>     * Task forces (10 min)
>>           o Backward compatibility audit
>>           o Test cases
>>     * Relationships to other W3C groups (overview) (5 min, may  
>> postpone if time short)
>>           o Semantic Web Coordination Group
>>           o Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group
>>           o Semantic Web Deployment Working Group
>>           o Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group
>>           o Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
>>           o XML Schema Working Group
>>           o Technical Architecture Group
>>           o Uncertainty Reasoning for the Web Incubator Group
>>     * Relationships to other non-W3C groups (overview) (5 min, may  
>> postpone if time short)
>>           o OMG
>>     * Additional other business (5 min)
>> Regrets
>>     * James Hendler (through December)
>>     * Ivan Herman (10.17 and 10.24)
> "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research,  
> would it?." - Albert Einstein
> Prof James Hendler
> Tetherless World Constellation Chair
> Computer Science Dept
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2007 15:23:38 UTC