racer documentation

Looking at the racer user manual v 1.9.2

I found
3.6 Concrete Domain Attributes

Attributes are considered as "typed" since they can either have fillers 
of type cardinal, integer, real, complex, or string. The same attribute 
cannot be used in the same T-box such that both types are applicable, 
e.g., (min has-age 18) and (>= has-age 18) are not allowed. If the type 
of an attribute is not explicitly declared, its type is implicitly 
derived from its use in a T-box/A-box. An attribute and its type can be 
declared with the signature form (see above) or by using the KRSS-like 
form define-concrete-domain-attribute. If an attribute is declared to be 
of type complex is can be used in linear (in-)equations.
However, if an attribute is declare to be of type real or integer it is 
an error to use this attribute in terms for nonlinear polynoms. In a 
similar way, currently, an attribute of type integer may not be used in 
a term for a linear polynoms, either. If the coefficients are integers, 
then cardinal (natural number, including 0) for the type of attributes 
may be used in a linear polynom. Furthermore, attributes of type string 
may not be used on polynoms, and non-strings may not be used in 
constraints for string


Received on Friday, 7 December 2007 10:26:31 UTC