ISSUE-86 (anonymous properties): RDF/XML serialization for anonymous inverse properties

ISSUE-86 (anonymous properties): RDF/XML serialization for anonymous inverse properties

Raised by: Evren Sirin
On product: 

Anonymous inverse properties can be used in ObjectPropertyAssertion axioms like 

   ObjectPropertyAssertion(InverseObjectProperty(property) subject object )

According to [1], the RDF/XML serialization of this assertion will be

   subject _:p object .
   _:p owl11:inverseObjectPropertyExpression property .

which is not valid RDF because RDF does not allow bnodes in the predicate position [2]. AFAICT this is the only place where anonymous inverse properties appear in the predicate position (all other uses get serialized into subject or object position). Disallowing anonymous inverses in ObjectPropertyAssertion would solve the problem (and would not affect the expressivity).


Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 03:03:13 UTC