Re: owl:allValuesFrom inference


> What you want to say is that *if something is madeby a Man (and  
> possibly by some other things), then this something is a  
> ThingMadeByMan.


> So there direction of the implication needs to go the other way  
> round an you need existential (someValues) restriction... in  
> Manchester Syntax:
> Class: ThingMadeByMan
>   EquivalentTo:
>     madeBy some Man

I'm not too familiar with Manchester Syntax, is this equivalent to (n3):

    a owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty ex:madeBy ;
    owl:someValuesFrom ex:Man ;

... because I tried this one, but stil the implication

> This axiom together with your 2 assertions above about Bart and  
> Something should then imply that Something is ThingMadeByMan

is not derived by Pellet. :-(

Also I wonder what a reasoner can actually infer from  
owl:someValuesFrom -- as far as I can tell from the spec [1] it can  
actually only be used to check the consistency of a model, but not to  
infer new facts, since the reasoner cannot decide which of the  
(possibly many) values of the property is an instance of the specified  
class. Am I missing something here?

Best, Bernhard

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 10:13:09 UTC