Re: owl:allValuesFrom inference

On 25 Jun 2009, at 10:38, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

> Hi,


> I have a question regarding OWL DL inference. Given the following  
> axiom,
>   ex:ThingMadeByMan
>      a owl:Restriction ;
>      owl:onProperty ex:madeBy ;
>      owl:allValuesFrom ex:Man ;
>   .

so, you say that, if  a ThingMadeByMan is madeBy something, then this  
something is a Man.

> and the following assertions,
>   ex:Bart a ex:Man .
>   ex:Something ex:madeby ex:Bart .

now you have a Man, Bart, and Something which is madeBy Bart.

> is there a way to enfore a reasoner to infer the following?
>   ex:Something a ex:ThingMadeByMan .

yes there is -- but Pellet is right in not inferring this triple from  
what you have said above because it doesn't follow from it.   What you  
want to say is that *if something is madeby a Man (and possibly by  
some other things), then this something is a ThingMadeByMan. So there  
direction of the implication needs to go the other way round an you  
need existential (someValues) restriction... in Manchester Syntax:

  Class: ThingMadeByMan
      madeBy some Man

This axiom together with your 2 assertions above about Bart and  
Something should then imply that Something is ThingMadeByMan

Cheers, Uli

> I was not able to produce this triple using the Pellet reasoner, and  
> I would be thankful for any hints. Probably I am missing some  
> constraints that I should add to the tbox?
> Best,
> Bernhard

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 10:01:27 UTC