How to connect one individual to multiple classes


Recently I am trying to build an OWL model for touring/entertainment related businesses. I have categorized these businesses into one category hierarchy like the following:


The goal is, given any category in the hierarchy, we can return all related businesses back. For example, given "Museum" as the category, we are supposed to return all museums; given "CollectionExhibition", all museums, memorials and exbitionHalls are returned.

One thing is one business might have more than one services to offer. Here is an example: a resort has hotels, bars and some other regular facilities, it also has one indoor water park because of its hot spring water resource.. So this resort should be categorized into 2 different categories: "Resort" and "WaterPark". Given either "Resort" or "WaterPark" is chosen as the category, this resort should be returned as a match.

The another one is that one business may fall into non-leaf categories, like "AgriculturalField" instead of "Orchard".

Technically I would prefer:

1 Businesses are individuals of an owl:Class. Categories could be antything, if it supports reasoning. This is different from the Protege Pizza sample, while pizza are classes.

2 When adding new businesses, we only need to add new business individual(maybe we need to add more categories), and connect the new individuals to the categories.

I have been trying different ways, but still no success. 

Any help would be highly appreciated.


Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2009 14:40:50 UTC