RE: [OWLWG-COMMENT] ISSUE-55 (owl:class)

Hi, Jim!

Jim Hendler wrote:

> So basically, we have two different groups who end up coming 
>at things from different directions and not meeting in the 
>middle.  I'd love to see a fix, but I also understand the 
>worldview that cannot live with this. 
> but I'll tell you this based on experience and analysis of 
>lots of stuff out there - telling people that the "right 
>thing" to do is to use owl:class won't change much, because 
>the people using rdfs:class to start with generally aren't 
>coming from an OWL perspective, and therefore don't see a 
>reason to change.
>  So I see that if there was a solution in resolving these, we 
>would make it easier for people to come to OWL

But please note that my "second recommendation" just targeted on this. While
in my "first recommendation" I suggested to use "owl:Class" in all /new/ OWL
ontologies, I also suggested that the OWL reasoner developers should change
their reasoners to silently substitute occurrences of "rdfs:Class" by
"owl:Class" before reasoning starts. Technically this is very simple: Just
look up all triples containing "rdfs:Class" and substitute them by the same
triples containing "owl:Class" instead. This is a matter of a few lines of
code with JENA, for example.


Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
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Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2007 13:58:34 UTC