Re: Defining cross products in OWL-1.1

On 12 Oct 2007, at 12:14, Michael Schneider wrote:

> [CC'ed Peter Patel-Schneider, because I cite him in this mail]
> Hi list!
> I have started to stroll around a little through the OWL-1.1 issues  
> list
> this week, and I found this interesting one (issue 30) yesterday  
> evening:
>   "Need a role descrption based on the "cross product" of two  
> concepts"
>   (Sorry, I cannot find out who the original author "kashyap.vipul"  
> was.)
> After reading this I was not really sure if this issue is about  
> specifying
> cross products in general, or just about realizing a specific  
> scenario, with
> or without the use of a cross product. But IMHO it /is/ certainly a
> noteworthy question if cross products can be specified in OWL or  
> not. I can
> see that Peter Patel-Schneider has just commented on this issue:
>   "You are asking for the ability to define roles.
>   A similar definition would be
>      brother = sibling INTERSECTION range(Male)
>   using range(x) as a shorthand for crossProduct(owl:Thing,x)

this is a confusing shorthand:

- if a property p has range X, say Male, then, whenever we find a  
tuple (a,b) in p, we know that b must be an instance of X. Eg,  
whenever a has a brother b, then b must be Male.

- if we would say that p is the crossproduct between Y and X, then,  
given any two instances y of Y and x of X, we know that (y,x) are in  
p. This is very different from the above point.

>   This expands expressive power (I'm pretty sure).
>   I don't know whether there is a reasoning algorithm
>   for this construct."

no, there isn't. It is closely related to negation of properties, and  
this requires rather different reasoning techniques to those used  
successfully for OWL due to the "non-local" behaviour of negated  

As an example for this relationship, for example, you can say that  
Every Petlover loves every Pet through:

SubclassOf(PetLovers (AllValuesFrom (ComplementOf loves))   

> I'm not quite clear if Peter means by "this construct" either the  
> problem of
> specifying a cross product in OWL-1.1, or something else? Assuming  
> the first
> of these options has motivated me to try out if I am able to  
> specify a cross
> product in OWL-1.1. It really seems to work - with some restrictions
> discussed below.
> Task: For given classes A and B give an OWL-1.1 axiom set, by which a
> property pAXB is specified to be equivalent to the cross product A  
> X B.
> Solution:
>   (A0) ClassAssertion(w owl:Thing)
>   (A1) SubClassOf(A ObjectHasValue(pA w))
>   (A2) SubClassOf(B ObjectHasValue(pB w))
>   (A3) SubObjectPropertyOf(
>          SubObjectPropertyChain(pA InverseObjectProperty(pB))
>          pAXB )
>   (A4) ObjectPropertyDomain(pAXB A)
>   (A5) ObjectPropertyRange(pAXB B)

as above, I think you overestimate the power of domain and range  

> Axiom (A0) demands the existence of /some/ arbitrary individual w.  
> I will
> use this as a "glue instance" to connect two roles in a sub  
> property chain.
> Axioms (A1) and (A2) introduce roles 'pA' and 'pB', which are  
> intended to
> represent the classes A and B, respectively. The domain of role pA  
> covers
> class A (i.e. class A is a sub class of domain(pA)). The right hand  
> side of
> a role instance of pA is /always/ the "glue instance" w. Analog for  
> role
> 'pB'.
> Axiom (A3) makes role pAXB into a /super/ role of the cross product  
> A X B:
> Let x and y be two instances for which A(x) and B(y) both hold.  
> According to
> axioms (A1) and (A2), pA(x,w) and pB(y,w) both hold. Thus, the  
> inverse role
> instance pB^-1(w,y) is true, too. Hence, by applying axiom (A3),  
> pAXB(x,y)
> holds.
> Axioms (A4) and (A5) obviously make role pAXB into a /sub/ role of  
> the cross
> product A X B = domain(pAXB) X range(pAXB).
> So we finally receive pAXB = A X B.
> There are a several points which need some further discussion here:
> First: Is the above set of axioms allowed at all? I have checked the
> "non-structural restrictions" given in [1]. Role pAXB is certainly a
> "non-simple" role, as it appears as a super role of a sub role  
> chain. So
> certain axioms, in which pAXB occurs, will not be allowed. But the  
> global
> 'domain' and 'range' restrictions, as given by axioms (A4) and  
> (A5), are not
> listed as forbidden restrictions in [1]. So this seems to be ok! (?)
> Second: About the "glue instance" w. The only real requirement was  
> that
> there is /some/ instance in the universe (denoted by owl:Thing),  
> because
> this alone suffices to use such an instance for glueing pA and pB^-1
> together in the above sub role chain. Even the two 'ObjectHasValue'  
> axioms
> do not seem to put a dangerous restriction on 'w'. So it seems to be
> possible for instance that I can reuse w for specifing the "glue  
> instance"
> of a second role rCXD for other classes C and D without any  
> problem. Also,
> if w occurs in other axioms of the ontology, this shouldn't be a big
> problem, because it does not affect the fact that such a w / 
> exists/. Of
> course, it must not happen that in the ontology's remaining axioms  
> one of
> the "helper roles" 'pA' and 'pB' appears, but this can always be  
> avoided in
> practice AFAICS. So the only thing which might be considered to be  
> at least
> a /theoretical/ problem is that it will not be possible anymore to  
> interpret
> such an OWL ontology over the /empty/ universe. But in practice, no  
> one will
> really care about this lacking, and I am not even certain if doing  
> so is
> allowed at all in OWL.
> Third: What are the ramifications for using role 'pAXB'? Being a  
> non-simple
> role according to [1], pAXB suffers from not being allowed to  
> appear in
> certain kinds of axioms. This is generally a problem, because it  
> means that
> I cannot freely "play around" with pAXB, I always have to check  
> first. On
> the other hand, from a pragmatical point of view, I do not see  
> immediate
> applications for specifying cardinality restrictions on this cross  
> product
> role. Also, making a cross product into a functional or inverse  
> functional
> role will perhaps not happen too often, because it would have strong
> implicit consequenses on the pair of original classes A and B. Same  
> for
> irreflexivity and asymmetry axioms. So the axiom set above might  
> really be
> of value for a large set of application scenarios.
> You can find below an example ontology "crossproduct.owl" together  
> with some
> Jena/Pellet demo code. The ontology contains the axioms above,  
> together with
> the following assertions:
>   * A(a1)
>   * A(a2)
>   * B(b1)
>   * B(b2)
> Also, I have made A a subclass of another class AA, and B a  
> subclass of
> another class BB, and included the following additional assertions:
>   * AA(aNOT)
>   * BB(bNOT)
> The demo code checks if all possible combinations of instances of A  
> and B
> exist with property pAXB, while no tuple containing aNOT or bNOT as  
> one of
> its components must exist with property pAXB. The result of running  
> the demo
> is:
>   *** allowed tuples MUST occur in pAXB ***
>   Exists tuple (a1,b1)? true
>   Exists tuple (a1,b2)? true
>   Exists tuple (a2,b1)? true
>   Exists tuple (a2,b2)? true
>   *** un-allowed tuples must NOT occur in pAXB ***
>   Exists tuple (aNOT,b1)? false
>   Exists tuple (aNOT,b2)? false
>   Exists tuple (a1,bNOT)? false
>   Exists tuple (a2,bNOT)? false
>   Exists tuple (aNOT,bNOT)? false
> Cheers,
> Michael
> [1]
> ===== ontology "crossproduct.owl" =====
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <rdf:RDF
>     xmlns:rdf=""
>     xmlns=""
>     xmlns:owl=""
>     xmlns:xsd=""
>     xmlns:daml=""
>     xmlns:rdfs=""
>   xml:base="">
>   <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>     <owl:versionInfo rdf:datatype=" 
> XMLSchema#string"
>> Created with TopBraid Composer</owl:versionInfo>
>   </owl:Ontology>
>   <owl:Class rdf:ID="A">
>     <rdfs:subClassOf>
>       <owl:Restriction>
>         <owl:hasValue>
>           <owl:Thing rdf:ID="w"/>
>         </owl:hasValue>
>         <owl:onProperty>
>           <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="pA"/>
>         </owl:onProperty>
>       </owl:Restriction>
>     </rdfs:subClassOf>
>     <rdfs:subClassOf>
>       <owl:Class rdf:ID="AA"/>
>     </rdfs:subClassOf>
>   </owl:Class>
>   <owl:Class rdf:about="#AA">
>     <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=" 
> owl#Thing"/>
>   </owl:Class>
>   <owl:Class rdf:ID="B">
>     <rdfs:subClassOf>
>       <owl:Restriction>
>         <owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#w"/>
>         <owl:onProperty>
>           <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="pB"/>
>         </owl:onProperty>
>       </owl:Restriction>
>     </rdfs:subClassOf>
>     <rdfs:subClassOf>
>       <owl:Class rdf:ID="BB"/>
>     </rdfs:subClassOf>
>   </owl:Class>
>   <owl:Class rdf:about="#BB">
>     <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=" 
> owl#Thing"/>
>   </owl:Class>
>   <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="pAXB">
>     <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#B"/>
>     <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#A"/>
>   </owl:ObjectProperty>
>   <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="inv_pB">
>     <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#pB"/>
>   </owl:ObjectProperty>
>   <BB rdf:ID="bNOT"/>
>   <A rdf:ID="a2"/>
>   <A rdf:ID="a1"/>
>   <B rdf:ID="b1"/>
>   <AA rdf:ID="aNOT"/>
>   <rdf:List>
>     <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#pAXB"/>
>     <rdf:rest rdf:parseType="Collection">
>       <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#inv_pB"/>
>     </rdf:rest>
>     <rdf:first rdf:resource="#pA"/>
>   </rdf:List>
>   <B rdf:ID="b2"/>
> </rdf:RDF>
> <!-- Created with TopBraid Composer -->
> ===== Demo code in Java, using Jena and Pellet (>=1.5) ===============
> import org.mindswap.pellet.jena.PelletReasonerFactory;
> import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
> import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
> import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory;
> import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL;
> import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
> import;
> /**
>  * Demo code for the "crossproduct" ontology: checks if pAXB = A X B.
>  * @author Michael Schneider (
>  */
> public class Owl11CrossProductDemo {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         String ONT_FILENAME = "crossproduct.owl"; // put in project- 
> toplevel
>         String BASE_URI = "";
>         try {
>             OntModel ontModel =
> ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC);
>    FileInputStream(ONT_FILENAME),  
>             // check that all allowed tuples ARE in pAXB
>             {
>                 String[][] allowedTuples = {
>                         {"a1", "b1"},
>                         {"a1", "b2"},
>                         {"a2", "b1"},
>                         {"a2", "b2"},
>                 };
>                 System.out.println("*** allowed tuples MUST occur  
> in pAXB
> ***");
>                 for (String[] tuple : allowedTuples) {
>                     System.out.println("Exists tuple
> ("+tuple[0]+","+tuple[1]+")? " +
>                             ontModel.contains(
> ResourceFactory.createResource(BASE_URI+"#"+tuple[0]),
>                                     ResourceFactory.createProperty 
> "#pAXB"),
> ResourceFactory.createResource(BASE_URI+"#"+tuple[1])
>                             )
>                     );
>                 }
>             }
>             // check that unallowed triples are NOT in pAXB
>             {
>                 String[][] unAllowedTuples = {
>                         {"aNOT", "b1"},
>                         {"aNOT", "b2"},
>                         {"a1", "bNOT"},
>                         {"a2", "bNOT"},
>                         {"aNOT", "bNOT"},
>                 };
>                 System.out.println("*** un-allowed tuples must NOT  
> occur in
> pAXB ***");
>                 for (String[] tuple : unAllowedTuples) {
>                     System.out.println("Exists tuple
> ("+tuple[0]+","+tuple[1]+")? " +
>                             ontModel.contains(
> ResourceFactory.createResource(BASE_URI+"#"+tuple[0]),
>                                     ResourceFactory.createProperty 
> "#pAXB"),
> ResourceFactory.createResource(BASE_URI+"#"+tuple[1])
>                             )
>                     );
>                 }
>             }
>         } catch (Throwable e) {
>             e.printStackTrace();
>         }
>     }
> }
> =======================================
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
> FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
> Abtl. Information Process Engineering (IPE)
> Tel  : +49-721-9654-726
> Fax  : +49-721-9654-727
> Email:
> Web  :
> FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe
> Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, D-76131 Karlsruhe
> Tel.: +49-721-9654-0, Fax: +49-721-9654-959
> Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
> Az: 14-0563.1 Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
> Vorstand: Rüdiger Dillmann, Michael Flor, Jivka Ovtcharova, Rudi  
> Studer
> Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums: Ministerialdirigent Günther Leßnerkraus

Ulrike Sattler

Received on Friday, 12 October 2007 13:03:16 UTC