[TF:Rules][TF:UnO][TF:RA] Blog posts of interest


I'd like to point folks to some informative posts concerning DL Safe  
SWRL rules and a kind of Uncertainty extension to OWL. These, I  
imagine, shall be inputs to the Rules task force and the Uncertain  
OWL task forces. Both are ongoing.


Pronto (Probabilistic Pellet):

(Both are in reverse chronological order...sorry :))

The Pronto series is being written by Pavel Klinov which Clark &  
Parsia,LLC has the great good fortune to have as an intern this  
summer. Pavel did the extension to Pellet he describes in these  
posts. We've not yet figured out how we're going to let folks get  
their hands on it, but we're working on it :)

The other interesting bit is how we used axiom annotations to extend  
OWL with probabilities. (hence touching on the rich annotation task  
force). This is a bit of a risky move in the sense that the  
probability annotations are definitely a "must-understand" kind of  
extension. There isn't a good drop back if you ignore them. I've been  
playing with using annotations for an OntoClean extension, but there  
I think ignoring the OntoClean annotations is a safe thing to do for  
many purposes. I think it'd be nice if the annotation system gave us  
some of this sort of extensibility.



P.S., OWLED TaskForces:

As you can see, they are starting to heat up a bit. The controlled  
natural language page has some good stuff. If you are interested in  
working on any of these tasks, contact the point person. I'm using  
subject tags for easier filtering...I hope that's ok.

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 13:57:27 UTC