Re: bnodes

Sandro Hawke wrote:
> ...
> It often seems to me that bnodes should have been left out of RDF.
> They're useful, but also painful.   (Or maybe, all things considered,
> RDF should have been left out of RDF.  :-)
If we want to keep RDF but drop something, there's only named nodes we
can drop without loosing expressiveness. We would have to introduce an
inverse functional property pointing to a URI-Literal. This would also
make the owl:sameAs statement obsolete (it would just be one b-nodes
with multiple name-properties). Another advantage would be that there
are less arbitrary choices to take when describing a world with things
with multiple names, currently you can arbitrarily decide which
properties to associate with which of the same resources (the concept of
having multiple things being the same, seems counter-intuitive to me


Reto Bachmann-Gmür
Talis Information Limited

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Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2007 16:18:12 UTC