Re: Reusing owl:disjointWith for DisjointObjectProperties?

Hi Holger,

Thanks for pointing this out. In fact in the latest version of the OWL 
1.1 Mapping to RDF Graphs [1] we already fixed the problem, and even 
distinguish between object and datatype properties by using 
owl:disjointObjectProperties and owl:disjointDataProperties for the two 
cases. In fact, we have tried to use unambiguous vocabulary for all the 
new constructs; no doubt you will let us know if we still overlooked 
something :-)




On 15 Nov 2006, at 21:59, Holger Knublauch wrote:

> According to the OWL 1.1 RDF mapping, DisjointObjectProperties are 
> mapped into the OWL 1.0 property owl:disjointWith for properties:
>    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#likes">
>       <owl:disjointWith>
>          <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#dislikes"/>
>       </owl:disjointWith>
>    </owl:ObjectProperty>
> Is it safe to reuse the same property like for classes here?  What 
> happens if you send this to an OWL 1.0 reasoner: from the domain of 
> owl:disjointWith this would probably infer that "likes" must be a 
> class...  In order to improve backward compatibility, wouldn't it make 
> sense to introduce a new property here, such as owl:disjointProperty, 
> similar to owl:equivalentProperty?
> Holger

Received on Friday, 1 December 2006 10:50:43 UTC