Re: Error with Annotation Properties

On Apr 11, 2005, at 6:02 PM, Webster wrote:

> Hello!
> I have run into an issue with annotation properties and their support
> by two popular validators.
> Pellet [1] indicates that the following is OWL-Lite/DL, yet WonderWeb
> [2] throws a warning due to an "Untyped Individual" and forces
> OWL-Full.

There are actually two problems (or possible problems) with your 

> <rdf:RDF
>   xmlns:owl=""
>   xmlns:rdf=""
>   xmlns:rdfs="">
> <owl:Class rdf:about="http://test/class">
>   <rdfs:label>A class</rdfs:label>
Remove this to pass the WonderWeb validator.

I have to go back to the specs to check whether you can have annotation 
properties on descriptions like this. It's probably a good idea to 
avoid them.

>   <rdfs:subClassOf>
>     <owl:Restriction>
>       <rdfs:label>A restriction</rdfs:label>
>       <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://test" />
>       <owl:minCardinality>1</owl:minCardinality>

This should have 
Neither system detects that! So I should check the specs there, too :)

When I figure out what the right behavior is, we'll update the Pellet 
side (and submit a patch to the OWL API).

Bijan Parsia.

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2005 03:41:11 UTC