RE: question on primer example

Hi Sebastian,

> As far as your suggestion to use "all" instead of "some" is
> concerned, this would not convey the intended semantics since
> then all individuals which are *not* in a hasAge relation to
> any value would be classified as teenagers (mind the somewhat
> unintuitive interpretation of the "all").

Why? If you refer to the last example in
"Teenager" is declared as a *subclass* of those with some (or as I suggest 'all') ages between 13 and 19.
In the "all" reading, all I could infer is IMO that someone with an age out of that range would be inferred *not* to be a
Teenager (which I find quite intuitive, but which wouldn't work for the "some" reading), right?
So, I don't really get it (maybe an embarrassing, temporary brain-malfunctioning :-) but happy to learn where my mistake is).

> (mind the somewhat
> unintuitive interpretation of the "all").

Can you elaborate?

(BTW, I am happy to take this discussion to another, more
adequate list, if this is not the right place, as mentioned
earlier, this is not intended as a formal comment to the spec)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastian Rudolph []
> Sent: Mittwoch, 03. Oktober 2012 12:01
> To: Polleres, Axel
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: question on primer example
> Hi Axel,
> it might be better to refer to the current version of the
> primer, i.e.
> If you take the mentioned snippet per se, you are right, it
> allows for persons having more than one age. However if you
> also specify the axiom
> FunctionalDataProperty( :hasAge )
> it defines :hasAge to be functional and hence allows only one
> age per individual. If you assume this axiom, then the
> definition of Teenager via "some" is perfectly fine.
> As far as your suggestion to use "all" instead of "some" is
> concerned, this would not convey the intended semantics since
> then all individuals which are *not* in a hasAge relation to
> any value would be classified as teenagers (mind the somewhat
> unintuitive interpretation of the "all").
> Best,
>  Sebastian
> Am 03.10.2012 um 09:19 schrieb Polleres, Axel:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have some question on the primer example on DataRanges, cf.
> >
> >
> > The prose text says
> > "For example, we might have Teenager as those people whose
> age is an integer that is at least 13 but less than 20, Adult
> as those people whose age is at least 21, and Child as those
> people whose age is in the complement of adult ages."
> >
> > Class: Teenager EquivalentClass: Person and hasAge some
> integer[>= 13
> > , < 20]
> > Class: Adult EquivalentClass: Person and hasAge some integer[>= 21]
> > Class: Child EquivalentClass: Person and not ( hasAge some
> integer[>=
> > 21] )
> >
> > As it stands, this seems to allow several ages per person -
> one of which is in the defined range.
> > IMO, it would be more intuitive to use for the first two
> lines "all" instead of "some" here plus stating that age is
> functional (each person has exactly one age, wouldn't it?
> >
> > Not a big deal nor meant as a formal comment, but just to
> note and ask for some opinion from the group or explanation
> why you got to formulate the example like that.
> >
> > With best regards,
> > Axel Polleres
> >
> > Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Oesterreich CT RTC BAM CON-AT
> > Siemensstrasse 90 1210 Vienna, Austria
> > Tel.: +43 51707-36983
> > Mobile: +43 664 88550859
> >
> >
> > Company Name: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Oesterreich; Legal Form:
> > Stock Corporation; Company Seat: Vienna; Register Number:
> FN 60562 m;
> > Registered at: Commercial Court Vienna; DVR-Number: 0001708
> _________________________________________________
> PD Dr. Sebastian Rudolph
> senior researcher & project leader at AIFB Karlsruhe
> Institute of Technology (KIT)
>                    phone +49 721 608 - 47362
>        fax +49 721 608 - 45998

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2012 15:27:16 UTC