Re: owl2 primer turtle examples bugs

Dear Jiří,

Thanks for reporting these bugs. The bugs have now been fixed in [1]; the diff is [2].


Please let me know if this does not address your concerns.

Sebastian Rudolph
on behalf of the W3C OWL Working Group

> Hi,
> just informing about mistakes in turtle examples in section about
> property restrictions.
>  []  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
>      :HappyPerson ;
>      owl:equivalentClass  [
>        rdf:type           owl:Restriction ;
>        owl:onProperty     :hasChild ;
>        owl:allValuesFrom  :Happy
>      ] .
> should be:
>  :HappyPerson  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
>      owl:equivalentClass  [
>        rdf:type           owl:Restriction ;
>        owl:onProperty     :hasChild ;
>        owl:allValuesFrom  :Happy
>      ] .
> and
>  []  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
>      :HappyPerson ;
>      owl:equivalentClass  [
>        rdf:type            owl:Class ;
>        owl:intersectionOf  ( [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
>                                owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
>                                owl:allValuesFrom   :Happy            ]
>                              [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
>                                owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
>                                owl:someValuesFrom  :Happy            ]
>                            )
>      ] .
> should be:
>  :HappyPerson  rdf:type             owl:Class ;
>      owl:equivalentClass  [
>        rdf:type            owl:Class ;
>        owl:intersectionOf  ( [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
>                                owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
>                                owl:allValuesFrom   :Happy            ]
>                              [ rdf:type            owl:Restriction ;
>                                owl:onProperty      :hasChild ;
>                                owl:someValuesFrom  :Happy            ]
>                            )
>      ] .
> I hope I'm right and this is useful to you.
> Best,
> Jiri

PD Dr. Sebastian Rudolph
senior researcher & project leader at AIFB
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)                    phone +49 721 608 - 47362        fax +49 721 608 - 45998

Received on Friday, 6 July 2012 11:07:48 UTC