Typos in the OWL/XML variant of the sample ontology given in the OWL 2 Primer

I have found some typos in the OWL/XML version of the complete sample  
ontology given in the OWL 2 Primer in Appendix 13 at


that make the ontology fail to validate against the given XML schema.  
Applying the substitutions given at the end of this message makes the  
ontology valid.
Furthermore, the entity declarations at the head of the ontology

<!DOCTYPE Ontology [
<!ENTITY xsd "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" >
<!ENTITY rdfs "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" >

could be removed if the references "&xsd;" and "&rdfs;" to these  
entities would be replaced by the corresponding default prefix names  
"xsd:" and "rdfs:".

I strongly suggest that all examples given in any syntax to respect  
the specification,
Marko Luther

Dr. Marko Luther
Phone:  +49-89-56824-204  mailto:luther@docomolab-euro.com
Fax:      +49-89-56824-301  <http://www.docomolab-euro.com>
Mobile: +49 172-855 7763

DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH
Landsberger Strasse 312, 80687 Munich, Germany
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Masami Yabusaki, Dr. Narumi Umeda, Kazushige  
Amtsgericht München, HRB 132967


"PropertyChain" => "ObjectPropertyChain"
"SameIndividuals" => "SameIndividual"
"URI" => "IRI"

      <Individual IRI="John"/>
      <Individual IRI="otherOnt:JohnBrown"/>
      <Individual IRI="Mary"/>
      <Individual IRI="otherOnt:MaryBrown"/>
      <NamedIndividual IRI="John"/>
      <NamedIndividual abbreviatedIRI="otherOnt:JohnBrown"/>
      <NamedIndividual IRI="Mary"/>
      <NamedIndividual abbreviatedIRI="otherOnt:MaryBrown"/>

        <ObjectProperty IRI="hasParent"/>
        <Individual IRI="John"/>
        <ObjectProperty IRI="hasParent"/>
        <NamedIndividual IRI="John"/>

IRI="otherOnt:child" => abbreviatedIRI="otherOnt:child"
IRI="otherOnt:age" => abbreviatedIRI="otherOnt:age"
IRI="otherOnt:Grownup" => abbreviatedIRI="otherOnt:Grownup"

      <Class IRI="ChildlessPerson"/>
        <Class IRI="Person"/>
              <ObjectProperty IRI="hasParent"/>
            <Class abbreviatedIRI="owl:Thing"/>
      <Class IRI="ChildlessPerson"/>
        <Class IRI="Person"/>
              <ObjectProperty IRI="hasParent"/>
            <Class abbreviatedIRI="owl:Thing"/>

      <Class IRI="Orphan"/>
          <ObjectProperty IRI="hasChild"/>
        <Class IRI="Dead"/>
      <Class IRI="Orphan"/>
          <ObjectProperty IRI="hasChild"/>
        <Class IRI="Dead"/>

Received on Saturday, 17 October 2009 16:57:58 UTC