Re: Issue 212: RTCIceCandidate support for "generation"

Comment from Robin Raymond:

"generation does not apply to ORTC since the candidates come from the gatherer which never changes its usernameFragment / password. The restart mechanism happens in the IceTransport which can take a substitute gatherer. So the tracking of the generation has to happen at a high level."

On Jun 6, 2015, at 7:57 AM, Bernard Aboba <<>> wrote:

Issue raised by Philipp Hancke:

"> 17) page 12, section 3.11 (RTCIceCandidate)

how does this deal with the extensibility defined in RFC 5245 -- (extension-att-name etc)

[BA] It is possible to add variables to the dictionary. so it is possible to add new attributes for extension-att-name/extension-att-value. Do you think there is something missing in particular that needs to be added?

[Philipp] the generation attribute from is pretty common."

Received on Saturday, 6 June 2015 15:00:04 UTC