from April 2015 by thread

WebRTC WG Objects in 1.0 Teleconference Minutes Erik Lagerway (Tuesday, 28 April)

ORTC CG Meeting 8 [via ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group] W3C Community Development Team (Monday, 27 April)

ORTC CG Meeting 8 - updated url Erik Lagerway (Monday, 20 April)

ORTC CG Meeting 8 - schedule & agenda bashing Erik Lagerway (Friday, 17 April)

Issue 190: TCP a:setup attribute for transport Bernard Aboba (Friday, 17 April)

Issue 189: No IceGatherer.stop() Bernard Aboba (Friday, 17 April)

Issue 187: Behavior when encodings are not set Bernard Aboba (Thursday, 16 April)

Re: Issue 173: DTLS handshake packets arrive because of connectivity checks before DTLS transport setup Bernard Aboba (Thursday, 16 April)

RE: Issue 170: Response to connectivity checks prior to calling iceTransport.start()? Bernard Aboba (Thursday, 16 April)

Media Capture and Streams Last Call review Stefan HÃ¥kansson LK (Wednesday, 15 April)

Issue 188: Priority calculation not possible without component Bernard Aboba (Saturday, 11 April)

Re: Issue 186: IceTransport.stop() affect on RtpSender/Receiver Bernard Aboba (Wednesday, 8 April)

Re: Issue 180: RTCP packet routing Bernard Aboba (Wednesday, 8 April)

Issue 185: Contradictory RTP/RTCP mux settings Bernard Aboba (Wednesday, 1 April)

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 April 2015 18:00:42 UTC