Re: Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC

> It breaks down at step 9.  That won't be permitted until A has talked to B and B has talked to A.
> The reason it doesn't work is:
> A can't send to B without knowing ICE credentials.
> B can't send to A without knowing ICE credentials.
> Data, other than ICE, cannot be exchanged until both are talking to each other.  Both media and data channels require that the four way DTLS handshake completes.
But on step 9, why is not possible to send the data from A to B? A has
the B connection data, with the IP and port. Is not included in the
connection data the ICE credentials? I though it was... Does it has
any problem the scheme that I proposed that prevent me for sugesting
to add this data/feature?

> CU-RTC-Web would allow what you are describing, but only by adding custom STUN parameters to connectivity checks.  That feature wasn't considered important enough to retain.
Oh, sh*t... :-( By who? What was the reason? Could that use case being

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Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 16:00:59 UTC