Re: Web standards, Openness and Transparency

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> On August 11, 2014 at 3:51:54 PM, Chris Wilson ( wrote:
> > > Note that I'm not EXACTLY advocating for this; I actually think
> > directly using living documents in /TR is not a good idea.
> Can you provide the rationale as to why?

Perhaps it's my impression of what most people mean by "living document".
 There are different degrees of "baked", and I've seen some things go in to
living documents that I don't think necessarily represent rough consensus;
that makes it quite hard (particularly in a large specification) to tell
what's implemented everywhere, what's pretty solidly agreed upon, and what
is just a roughed-out idea.

You could, of course, use editors' drafts here, and have the living
document always represent rough consensus (i.e. EDs are branches) - and I
certainly agree we need a faster update cycle in /TR, and
I think of specs like software in this sense.  We have a fast release cycle
for Chrome - at the same time, we have different channels, and they are
different levels of done.  Yes, we want

> > It *IS*
> > a good idea to make sure /TR documents always POINT to the current
> > spec or effort (yes, including pointing to editor's drafts).
> This is what we have today, no?

Absolutely not.  There are some specifications that do this, it's true -
but many do not.  For example, a couple of weeks ago I was trying to dig up
information about the "TV" media type.  I started with CSS2.  I dug through
a lot of (unlinked) specs (e.g. CSS3 media queries, HTML) before
discovering the new CSS Media Queries level 4 document, which effectively
completely replaces the bit I was interested in.  None of the specs in /TR
hinted that there was superceding work going on.

(There ARE definitely counter-examples here.)

> I think redefining history of specs is bad.
> Not sure what this means. Can you provide an example?

Any time you simply rev in-place without significant versioning, you're
effectively changing history.

> I think making it clear
> > - MOST clear - what current status is, is critical.
> Agree. Knowing status is critical.

And to be clear - I think /TR/HTML *should* point to the latest and
greatest HTML.

> --
> Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 14:33:23 UTC