Re: Web standards, Openness and Transparency

On 8/6/14 10:10 AM, Léonie Watson wrote:
> I share Marcos’ goals for living documents and CC licenses, and 
> Steve’s wish to change the way accessibility sits within standards 
> development.

Thanks for the intros Léonie and Steve. I noted the above in the wiki.

> I’d like accessibility to be more open – where people with 
> accessibility skills work within specification WGs instead of through 
> stand-alone WGs. This is happening (with success) in some WGs already, 
> but I believe that by working openly together we can accomplish even more.

Like Marcos, I am also interested in more details re the root causes of 
the accessibility related issues you two raise. It seems like there are 
at least a couple of issues. As Doug captured in [1], some of the 
accessibility groups are either member-confidential or "public with 
caveats". There are also other issues such as people with accessibility 
skills not directly participating in groups outside of the Accessibility 
Initiative. I started to capture the issues in [2] but I think it might 
be better to have you update the wiki directly.

Re what can be done about these issues, for the member-confidential and 
partially public issue, besides raising awareness about the issue, it 
seems like one place to try to affect change is during charter review 
(f.ex. Advisory Committee review). For the other issues, I agree with 
Marcos that it would be helpful to understand some of the root causes.

-Thanks, AB

[1] <>
[2] <>

Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 17:10:25 UTC