RE: Web standards, Openness and Transparency

Hello everyone,


I’m Léonie Watson, Senior Accessibility Engineer at The Paciello Group (TPG). I’ve been involved with W3C for several years, first as an invited expert and more recently as AC rep for TPG.


I share Marcos’ goals for living documents and CC licenses, and Steve’s wish to change the way accessibility sits within standards development.


I’d like accessibility to be more open – where people with accessibility skills work within specification WGs instead of through stand-alone WGs. This is happening (with success) in some WGs already, but I believe that by working openly together we can accomplish even more.


Perhaps a goal for another place and time, but there it is!





Léonie Watson – Senior Accessibility Engineer, TPG

@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup


Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2014 14:10:44 UTC