Re: Web standards, Openness and Transparency

On August 5, 2014 at 4:05:01 PM, Arthur Barstow ( wrote:
> > Everyone should feel free to
> send a short introduction to this list (and please do include  
> your
> area(s) of interest vis-à-vis the group's scope).

Marcos Caceres, Mozilla. I've been a spec addict for about 7 years. 

Last time I spec'ed was yesterday.

I'd like to change the way things work to allow me to: 

1. put living documents on TR
2. have a CC0 license (or cc-by)

There are other things, but those are the things that affect me the most day to day. 

Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 5 August 2014 22:21:45 UTC