Topics for today's meeting: competition directory

Good morning,

We have made some small improvements to start to open up the
competitions listing which I would like to demonstrate.

This is not "standardss work" per se, but an essential step to let

1. There is a quick web form anyone can use to create a basic
competition record (just "when and where")
2. We can give trusted experts "country creator" rights
3. If you are not in this group, your request goes to some of the
staff.  We may then either
   - decline or ask for more info
   - accept and make you competition director
   - accept, and make you a 'country creator' from now one

4. If it appears to duplicate a competition already known (same date,
similar place) we ask you for confirmation.  You can either say it's
the same and take ownership of the existing record, or say it's new

We do not yet have all the classifications discussed, that will
probably come in August, but hopefully it's a start....

Andy Robinson

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2018 07:51:50 UTC