OpenTrack Meeting: Wed 18 October, 08:00 UTC

Hi all,

Just a reminded for our weekly meeting.

Karlis, we will be pleased to have you in the call and see what are you
doing in Latvia to share results. Will you be able to join the call?  Find
below more info about the call.

Just to inform that I've updated the document with all suggestions/issues
that came up during the F2F in Portugal.

* Distance & mass should accept any measurement unit to be universal
* Categories in youth sports are represented by the year of birth, not age.
* Result status within the competition is different than the status of
competition (to check wording).
* To add a new descriptive field for Disqualification reasons (i.e., IAAF's
Article no.)
* To add a new Country/Area field for NR.

Tomorrow, I can explain what I did more detailed.




Meeting: Wed 18 October, 08:00 UTC. See other locations [1].

## Tentative Agenda
* Latvia System (Karlis Evertovskis)
* Open Issues

## Technical info

Join the meeting at

You can also dial in using your phone.
* United Kingdom: +44 20 3713 5028
* United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
* Finland: +358 972 52 2974
* Spain: +34 912 71 8491
* Switzerland: +41 225 4599 78

Access Code: 110-180-797


Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 11:38:05 UTC